

I distinctly recall as a child I had a solid opposition to the idea of wearing multiple layers of clothing. In the chill of Colorado winters, my clothing of choice was no more than a t-shirt and a hefty jacket.

Now that I'm much more self-aware, I have realized how convenient it is to have an extra layer, such as a sweater. It gives finer control over my sensitized, weakening-metabolism body temperature.

Probably started after going skiing many times, appreciating the extra clothing buffer. Perhaps as a kid, I was happy with the polarized hot and cold. Now that I begin to mellow with age, a moderate center is more agreeable.

Getting old, not much time left.

Chihuly Photographer at Salk

We caught the eye of Chihuly's photographer on the last day of his glass exhibit at the Salk 50th anniversary celebration. He snapped some shots of the lab and sent them to us. Priceless.


Yeah I Shop at Ralph's

...but it was only made obvious to me recently the verbage of their name.

He ralphs, she ralphs, we ralph.

Now I can't seem to forget it.