
If You Think Something's Destined to Fail... it will.

Here I'm running off again before I've really settles down. Back to Wyoming to someone who's lending us their condo. I hope to be more on top of things after this.


Heeeere's Shiggy

Back from the trip, I'll have to tell you all about it.

After relating it so many times, I really lack the drive to go in to detail.

Basically, we drove out there, painted houses for two days, then ran a children's program for two days.

On the way back we stopped by Heart Mountain and some places in Yellowstone.

I'll be posting some pictures in the near future.


Our Monkey: Epilogue and Notes

After a continued alliance, the two agents of death annihilated all life forms. Then they fought each other for 666*666^666 nanoseconds, and died.

The earliest of many possible discrepancies occurred near the beginning. Since we find out later in the story that Our Monkey is a (cybernetic) vampire, sticking its head out into the sun would be suicide. We can assume that it didn't stick its head out into direct light, and upon falling, allowed his arm to become exposed, hence the (seemingly) random loss.

Reference to evil nuclear plant operator blocking out the sun is a reference to Mr. Burns of the Simpsons in an actual episode.

Our Monkey's primary weapon, or vaulting device, initially appeared as his "shish-ka-bob stick," but is later referred to as his "ninja-stick."

There are multiple allusions to the website about ninjas and their real ultimate power.

This is all more funny if you can visualize Matt saying these things aloud.

Another possible plot hole: how did the alien beast get to the lobby (who knows where) so quickly from Idaho? Long vent shaft; ultra-speed.

Interesting note, the best had regenerative properties, as well as a voracious appetite, just like it should as the son of that monkey.

Of course the “I am your father,” timeless Star Wars allusion.

Final Props to The Writing Cast: