
Room database with multiple different entities

I searched for a long time to find the answer to my question of how to create a Room Database in Android Studio with multiple entities (a.k.a. model classes). While making an app, I came across the point that "Each RoomDatabase instance is fairly expensive, and you rarely need access to multiple instances within a single process.(source)

But I finally found this:

Incrementally migrate from SQLite to Room, which has an example that describes that the entities are entered as a list.

E.g. the beginning of the Database.java:

@Database(entities = {list goes here}, version = 1)


Splatter and Farfalle noodles

Careful eating Farfalle noodles with red pasta sauce and white clothes. Splatter stain city.


Filling of dried-out inland seas

When global warming results in a rise in sea level, if the level gets high enough to crest areas that start refilling dried out inland seas (Death Valley, see Sahara Sea), how much of the sea volume will be offset?


"Calculating the efficiency of prayer"

The song Dead Enough for Life by Icon of Coil came on my Pandora, and I heard the line "efficiency of prayer," which made me want to see if anyone had written any snarky/satirical articles about how to "calculate the efficiency of prayer." Unfortunately there were no(!) Google search results for the quoted search terms.

A rough estimate could be calculated with the following simple formula:

Percentage efficiency (or perhaps "miracle rate") = (Number of times prayed for certain thing) / (Number of times the desired outcome has occurred) * 100

My guess is that "miracle rate" for bringing back people from the dead approaches zero, but may actually be a real positive number for self-fulfilling prophesies, like a job interview going well.

Good luck!