
go ahead, twist it.

sickness, loathing, envy, greed, self-hatred, denial, pain, drifting... apathy.
ughhhhhh, fuck.


This is Intellectual Brilliance

Someone just shot a bottle rocket down the hallway (and no, suprizingly enough, it was not yours truly.) The smell of sulfur pervades the airspace. I somewhat don't non-ashamedly fail to not admit that I haven't not done something unlike that before.
"I think it would take an enigma machine and a couple of german scientists to untangle that sentence." - C. Harris

I watched the movie Closer some time ago, but failed to write anything about it. I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't, but I'd like to say that I'm happy she played them all. Great ending. Oh, another plus is that there's a scene where they used Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up.

And lastly, in the life of a medieval chicken farmer:
Farmer: I check to see if the chickens laid any eggs.
The Universe: No, they didn’t.
Farmer: All right, I pick one up and kill it, making it an example for the others.

Still studying for my orgo chem test... grr, its tough.