
Blue Skies and Barbed Wire

Ah, lovely scenery. What's becoming of the world. At least we can explain it more and more...

(c) Thomson Organic Chemistry

Hehe, but then again, I love nomenclature.


Last Day of Break

So ends the quiet chapter of this semester. From here on out I sense that it is going to be busy and stressful.

All that really happened that's of interest is the walk to the mall, and the outing for Chinese food last night. (Bad bad service, don't know if I'll ever eat there again.) Other events were pretty dry, repetitive stuff, minus some interesting exchanges over the classic AIM...

I've been studying today, to some extent, after sleeping in for quite some time, but I really need food. I hope the D-Hall is open for dinner tonight.

Tomorrow I have a Japanese skit to perform, and another experiment to execute in the lab. There's an oral interview on Friday in Japanese, along with a chapter test.

Thank goodness its only a 3 day week.

Something I was happy about... I got an envelope in the mail today from my beautiful one and only. There was also notification of another package, but I couldn't get it because the mail center is still closed for break.

I need something for motivation, something for drive. Something to pull me through this next couple of weeks until blissful winter break. Need to concentrate. This is it. This is what I've been waiting my whole life for, I need to make the most of it.

By the way, listen to Sevendust - Enemy.

I guess I'm off to dinner (hopefully) or maybe a try at Civilization: the Board Game. All work and no play makes Shigeki a worthless boy.

Anime: Tenjou Tenge

(c) Tenjou Tenge

This was a somewhat amusing anime series. The plot could best be described as a giant fork, one of the tines a little bent. The whole point of watching it was for the fights and a few of the nicely translated lines (see above). Oh, and the fanservice was certainly excessive.

It really needs a sequel. I guess I'm saying the plot had promise, but it just didn't pull it off.

On a side note, listen to one of the many remixes of Rammstein – Stripped, or of one of the covers. The rolling guitar is incredible.


MV: The Scientist

I love the style of this music video, not to mention the song as well. Cool how they did the lip-synching.

Makes me feel something. Its cathartic, I love feeling (even feigned) emotional pain on queue.


Nightmare Before Christmas

I've never seen the movie before, so I took the time to watch it yesterday afternoon. One part of the movie made me audibly laugh, so there had to be something to it.

(c) Nightmare Before Christmas

Even though I generally don't like musicals all that much, I managed to sit though the songs in this. I really liked the animation style, not to mention the darker humor. My one objection is that the girl should've been patched flesh and bone, not a cloth and leaves scarecrow.

The movie has my approval for at least a one time watch. Oh, and I did rewatch the "BUNNY!" scene multiple times. Now what was the name of the sequel? or at least the other movie by the same producer?