
Wheat Bread in White America

Not trying to be, but yes, I know I'm racist. This last weekend I went to a convention in Scranton, PA. Someone had warned me before I left how they don't much care for those of different skin. I thought he was just sortof joking.

Reminds me of that one time, we stopped in a small town somewhere along the way to or from Iowa. My dad and I went into a gas station convenience store. I got heard heard some mutterings underbreath about "chinese" or "funny eyes." Absolutely hilarious.

Anyway, in Scranton, I noticed it when we went to the grocery store for some food.
I do not find this particularly beautiful.

Without acception, everyone besides me was the spitting image of white America. It was, in a way, shocking to see so little diversity. Once again, I found the number of double takes and such very amusing. I guess in these little pockets of undistubed America, some still live in their natural habitats.

It was actually a gaming convention. Never been to one before, figured I'd jump in the car and ride along.

This was just a home-made board made from legos for a game named Frag, which I never ended up trying.

I'm dissapointed by the gamer stereotype, and also those who perpetuate it.

Will it ever snow?? Raining at the moment. Fitting.

I'll leave you with something giddy, albeit with depressing lyrics. The Wallflowers - I'm Looking Through You