
Very Quotable

Tonight I got a ride with some friends to go out for dinner; Japanese food! Mmmm, I ordered sushi and sashimi.

Very good. I've been complaining that none of the food here has really been feeding me... nourishing to my soul, if you get what I mean, but this really hit the spot.

I came back for a meeting with my Genetics Testing group on Stem Cell Research and surrounding controversy. During my preparational research, I questioned a friend of mine what he thought of stem cell research: (extremely quotable)
“Dear god no! That will certainly destroy all humanity with its healing powers!” – Craig Harris

After the meeting, I headed over to the Fishbowl for some good old-fashioned gaming. This led late into the night where we all eventually became paunchy, which led to even more fun times.
"This is my last game ever. No more Magic for me. I'm done forever."
"Yeah, right."
"...if forever means today."
"Hey, that sounds like lyrics from a song."
"Just imagine someone romantically telling someone else, 'I'll love you forever.' Sort of diminishes it, huh."
"That is really depressing."

And so on and so forth. I think that's the potential birth of an inside joke.

On another note, I REPAIRED MY “H” KEY!

I was typing my lab write-up, and kept having trouble with the "H" key. I managed to pop it off, clean, and replace it. This is a brief excerpt from the document:
By using distillation to separate a binary organic liquid into its two components, then gas cromotographhhhnnnnnnnnnhnhhhhhhyyyyyhybghyhhhhhhhhhhhwhat thes fuch hell oo hee ha hen huy hack huill hunk hu;k uge in in dine hyrulehhhhhhhbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggjjnnnnnbbnmbnnnnnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjkynnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjbgnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybggggggggggggybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyeyyyy helloo hinehy hini hihhihihii

Hey, I'm happy enough. I've also found my self using the verb "to nike" a lot. This will probably appear again.

Oh, and I love you. Forever.


These hurricanes are quite something. After the first, comes an even bigger strike. I wonder how this'll show up in history books down the road, that is, if there is any road.
Digital Chosunilbo

Read hurricane news articles with NuBreed & Luke Chable - One Day.



I'm sitting in the computer room at the science library typing this on a stupid, crappy eMac. This really is against my religion (or lack thereof). Everything about this machine eminates weakness, poor design, ugliness, and stress.

I'm waiting for a friend sitting next to me to finish typing something. He shouldn't be long. Allows me to write a post when I might've otherwise not've.

Someone just coughed REALLY loud behind me. It resembled a compter sound effect.

I was just reading Experiments in College Ruled. Not bad for an amateurish web-comic. I really like the 'gothic' themes. Makes me realize what a goth-o-phile\wanna be I semi-secretly am.


Dr. Thomsen

"Now that would be Mercedes-benzene."

"If you use a bunsen burner, you'll nike the ethanol."

Heh, my organic chemistry teacher fills my inner nerd with delight. Wait... my inner nerd isn't very inner, so I guess me. He just doesn't really try to make jokes that often, and when they do, its more of a mumble coming across, he doesn't beg for laughter. I respect his character.

Listening to Massive Attack - Teardrop.



“Sometimes the most difficult thing in the world is to choose to endure life.” –Edwin S. Shneidman

Oregon permits physicians to help their terminally ill patients commit suicide. I support Oregon. So would a philosopher friend who wants to get protestors.

This brings me to the topic of sensitivity to death around here. Seems as though everyone is really touchy when it comes to death and suicide. And I mean really really. I made some casual jokes today, and got some drastic responses.

For example, at お茶の時間 (tea time) I wrote 死にたい (I want to die) on the board. Hahahahaha, oops. The girl I was talking to didn't know what it meant, so when she asked, I told her. "!! Why would you write something like that? !!"

Later, I was playing Apples to Apples, a game which was more fun than I would've expected, and the topic card "Dead" came up, so I played the "My Dreams" card. Haha, oops again.

I still think the Gila Monster story was excellent. Even if it was a friend of a friend. I used the card in Apples to Apples. Worth a laugh or two.

I guess I'll not play music, and just to my Japanese homework in bed.


Curse Brevity of Weekends

Yet again, here I am on a Sunday night, sad its over.

Relatively un-interesting aimless wandering today. It was still nice simply due to its pointlessness. Have a lot of homework\studying\reading to do yet.

Oh wait, watched FF7 Advent Children, I liked that CGI. Backgrounds\hair amazing, the faces, expressions, and movement could use some help yet though. Screen shot from the FF7 game: (A slightly renamed character...)

I had a dream. My tooth had a radio device in it, and I was constantly in pain due to the screetching sonics in my skull. That’s where all the noises in my head kept coming from. It just hurt too much to do anything about it. Shatter.

I'll leave you with this quote:
“It's like stupidity is mono and everyone’s sharing the same toothbrush.”
-Declan O’Connell

Went to sleep to Korn - Right Now.