
Post Valentines

Valentines Day was pretty much just like any other day for me, unless you count the wee hours of the night/morning before...

The staff at the D-hall was handing out carnations, that was... novel. I got a white one. Somewhat withered it looked.

All of the presents going around make me feel bad for not doing that much myself. An attempt to be different? or a failing of effort?

Holidays, tsk tsk. We are learning in Japanese class that on "Valentine's Day" in Japan, the girls give chocolate/candy/presents to the boys... then on March 14, "White Day," the boys give things to the girls. An extra holiday, once again, tsk tsk.

Anyway, one afternoon, I think after we had been painting, we went to... a beach. The name is escaping me. Kailua? Maybe.

The sand was white, the water was blue and green, the sky azure...

It was a very nice sight and experience. That's the kind of Hawaii that everyone probably imagines and dreams about.



Actually, today I don't have a whole lot to complain about. I just couldn't think of another title. Took the first bio mid-term. Easily done, but I guess I was a little slow, a couple people finished before me. I am crushed. Turned in that Japanese essay, turned in the chemistry piece, and learned more about aromaticity! The evening felt fairly productive as well.

While working outside, I came across a number of these critters, had to get a picture:

We were taking down a rotted out mango tree, I guess they weren't appreciating that much.

Amazing how they can stick to just about any surface.

I guess you might be able to tell how cool I think they are.

I spent time outdoors cutting, cleaning, washing, painting, mowing; got to see some of them here and there. WIsh I could have one as a pet. Not only is that extra time and responsibility, but against the rules here in the dorms methinks. More exciting, non-lizard stuff next time.