
Our Monkey Part 10

The Writing Cast:
Thus the beast was really just angry that he had a fake father and that Our Monkey had allowed him to be a bastard child for so long. The beast simply wanted to smother the monkey, tear out its lungs, and cherish it. They raced down the corridor until they came to a T. The monkey went left and the monster right.

One came to a blue door, and the other a red. There were two shots, one at Our Monkey's feet, the other at the beast's head. Only one connected... and it was... with the beast. It then went through the beast and hit the monkey. Both died metaphorically. However, the monkey lived, thanks to the carapace of the beast. Dazed, he stabbed his broken stick through the officer's eye, and took the gun.

Our Monkey, tired from his (mis)adventures, found a cheap motel and bought a room. He then hired a prostitute. When she came, she freaked out because it was not any monkey, but a very small monkey. However money is money so... after doing the dirty, she asked for her payment. Our Monkey, however, realized that he didn't have any legal tender. The prostitute filed a lawsuit. The monkey got a lawyer pro-bono, while the prostitute got one pro-boner. After a lengthy law suit, the jury ruled that the prostitute would have to marry the monkey, after the Pope consented. Thus, they left for the Vatican on a business class flight.

The plane crashed and both Our Monkey and the prostitute died. The lawyers however survived, and filed a class action suit against Death©, The Angel of Death©, and God©. Wanting to avoid a lengthy legal combat, God© smote the lawyers, and as a sort of retaliation, Death© and the Angel of Death© killed God©. Then everybody died and our story ends.

The End

Next Time: Epilogue and Notes

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