So there's a Hawaiian term here, "Howlie," which is about equivalent to 外人 [gaijin, meaning foreigner]. Its cool that this island nation, although once trounced by the U.S., still has a sense of self.
Ran some errands after arriving at the airport, feels like home, not running straight off to a luxury hotel or tourist traps.
Had some tangerines fresh off a tree laden with them. [Mmm, delicious.] In our yard we also have a starfruit tree, mango tree, coconut tree... and probably others that I don't know about. This truly is a tropical place.

Looks like something off a postcard: just a snapshot.I got to spend a good bit of the day in Honolulu. Saw both sides of the city. Can be clean and nice, can be seedy and depressing.
Reminds me of Seattle. Also reminds me of a dirtier and more crass version of Japan.
Later, visited Hanauma Bay. This is a touristy place I guess, and it was free to Hawaii Residents. [My dad got in free, but I couldn't prove residency, grr.]

View of the bay before the walk down.Nice place, besides the crowds of people. [I liked hearing the myriad of languages being spoken.] We went out into the reef, saw all sorts of fish and coral swimming and growing right at arms length. The ocean is very picturesque.