Yet again another zombie infestation. Were at a stadium. There was another stadium near by. People thought they were smart this time getting together and bunkering in these places to avoid the zombies. When the attack began, it was first at the other stadium. We heard some screaming so we were worried, but they began souting like at a soccer game. Shouting 'heyy-yo'. We thought they were okay. Our stadium responded with the 'we will rock you' Queen two beats and a clap to assure them that we were okay and to cheer them on. Unfortunately, their screams degenerated to cacophonous chaos. They had fallen. Realizing that we wouldn not hold either, me and a group of people took off to find another place for sanctuary. Guess where I ran off to: the Simpson church sanctuary.
I think me and another girl picked the best hiding place. Everyone was rushing to get spots, but I remembered how we played hide and go seek and thought about how zombies couldn't climb, so we went up the back board onto those lofts on the right side. There were music stands stored up there, but plenty of space too. I grabbed a sleeping bag and some pillows and threw them up to the girl with me , joining her shortly. I felt invincible up there. I could just hole up there until the event passed over. Hell, since the zombies would probably leave us alone, I could even make trips downstairs to the kitchen to get food.
Anyway, I made a mistake. When the zombies started approaching, I made a bunch of noise to draw their attention to us. Oops. Well, in retrospect, I probably saved the lives of many of the other less well hidden people in the sanctuary.
I wanted to see if our spot was truly invincible. They came to the wall, and could reach their hands up, and sometimes peek over with thier heads, but they were not smart, strong, or tall enough to each us. Unfortunately, for some reason, they kept gaining a little ground up the wall. I grabbed a music stand, and began pushing them back down. Tough buggers. I was taking turns pushing different zombies down, but they just kept coming. I'd push one down and two would take its place.
Finally I was smart enough to use the metal music stand to try and push the zombies AWAY from the wall. I had one at the neck, pushed, and was suprized to find that the stand actually cut INTO the neck, and severed the head with relatively little effort. That one never came up again. I realized what I had to do. I used that stand and decapitated several more zombies. Unfortunately, the stand got caught and taken with one of the zombies, but there were a good handful more. I kept up the process, but eventually zombies started appearing with chains around their necks and heads. I was having much less luck decapitating these. I had to cut around the chains. All the while the girl with me was looking on in grim silence. I'm glad she didn't scream. Other than my grunts of exhertion, I wasn't making a sound either. Didn't want to draw even MORE attention.
I was thinking in the back of my mind that the bodies were probably building up, making it easier and easier for the zombies to get up the wall, but miraculously the flow of zombies stopped. I nervously went down the wall and looked out the window, and saw vehicular traffic again, and thought to myself, are they civilians fleeing? No... traffic was going both ways. I had survived yet another episode.