
Our Monkey Part 4

The Writing Cast:
But back to our story, the monkey took this super secret file to someone who could read. On his way he passed by the bakery and drank half a dozen mugs of coffee for fortitude. At last, he arrived at the vet's and asked for the linguist. However, the vet was naive to this situation and started screaming. “WHY IS A TINY MONKEY TALKING.” With all of this commotion, an evil nuclear inspector walked into the vet's and came threateningly towards the monkey.

The monkey found the conveniently locked emergency exit, so instead hid in the boiler room. A hand reached out from the shadows and hit his ninja-stick. He then pole-vaulted to the evil nuclear inspector's shoulder and reached out... but didn't find a tendon. Instead, he frisked the inspector, obtaining a piece of pie. All of a sudden our monkey became hungry again. Thus, he ate half of the pie. This activated his ninja superpower of committing sepukku. However, due to a bad distribution fuse in the inspector, it was translated to him, and killed the inspector by a giant frisbee decompressing in the inspector's mouth. The monkey also received the Our Monkey Notes version of the packet to be translated.

Reading the Our Monkey Notes of the packet, he realized how purposeless the CIA was. According to the Our Monkey Notes, the packet stated “confidential: do not read...” then ranted about how the author liked pie. This remembrance of pie reminded the monkey of nuclear missiles. He then got this strange desire to start a nuclear holocaust. However, he needed a nuclear missile. In order to get this nuclear missile he tried to return to the hardware store (now destroyed) where he left his diffused missile.

To Be Continued...

Look Out Montana.

Of all the exciting places I could be going, Montana is it for this next week and a half. Going to be there over the pyrotechnics holiday, July 4. I'll have to look for some roadside firework/explosive stands.

The actual destination of the trip is to the Crowe Indian Reservation. I'll be doing some volunteer service, lending a hand to those who need it there.

The Our Monkey Continue the Story postings will be delayed until my return around the 11th.

While Shigeki is gone, having (surely) the time of his life, I (chelsie) will be continuing the Our Monkey Continue the Story posts that he has neatly typed out and prepared, colours and all. These newly acquired co-author abilities are quite useful. Enjoy.


Our Monkey Part 3

The Writing Cast:
The monster promptly grew to a hundred times its original size. Unfortunately, this is what would have happened if it wasn't killed by the constricting action of the surrounding building. In the monsoon of spilling blood, our monkey (whose name happens to be "Our Monkey") was caught on the monster's shoulder while the monster was growing. This caused Our Monkey to get stuck between the monster's shoulder and the ceiling of the building. Once he realized this he bit his way through the monster's shoulder. Through his mouth ran the rancid taste of the monster's expanded flesh, but he managed to get out of the building and get back all the hardware (including the thermonuclear missle). And of course he wasn't hungry anymore, but a few minutes later, he began to feel a sense of hunger.

All of the sudden, the monkey remembered that if he ever ate a thermonuclear missile he would no longer be hungry ever again but could eat anything he wanted without becoming miserably full. So instead of using the thermonuclear missile for something productive he attempted this. Unfortunately this plan backfired because at the moment he tried to begin eating the missile
a CIA agent defused it. Indignated the monkey went on a rampage against the CIA agent. After again pole-vaulting to his shoulder, the money then bit the CIA agents neck.

We did not know up to this point the monkey was a vampire, so he sucked all of the blood out of the CIA agent and killed him. Then he found in the pocket of the CIA agent a
super secret file. But the monkey was illiterate, so he made it into an umbrella to protect him from the sunlight which was not present because the evil nuclear plant operator of the area had developed a device in order to permanently block out the sun. This is why the monkey lived in a cave.

To Be Continued...

Sin City

Oooh, this is an eerily compelling movie. Not to mention the excellent cinematography and illustrations. A unique film with its effects. Dark and artistic.
Good slew of actors too. Bruce Willis is a great actor, plus, you get to see Elijah Wood's head cut off.

Just a Quip

An obviously attractive, robed male, rode into a stables connected to an inn. It was the early afternoon, but he had already had a long day of travel. A girl, about the age of 19, was tending to the horses, as well as other livestock in the stables. "Well well pretty thing, what's your name?"

Taking the reins of his horse, she replied, "'Tis Nelda, Sir."

"And what are you doing in a place like this? You look like the sort who would make a fine traveller."

Flattered, she replied, "Oh no Sir, not me." Leading his horse, looking at him with admiring eyes, she gracelessly tripped over a milk bucket, splaying the contents in a brilliant pattern across the floor. Just then her mother walked in from the door connection the stables to the inn.

"NELDAAaa?" she said in a rather annoying, high pitched voice, "what ever shall we do with you, girl?" Grabbing her by her ear, the mother lead her toward the door. She stopped briefly, batting her eyelashes she addressed the rider, "Oh don't mind her, she's just a little clumsy you know, care to come in for a cup of tea?"

"Ale might be more my speed, much obliged." He dismounted his horse, tied it to a post, and followed the woman into the inn.

Once upon a time...

... the story begins, and the reader knows it will include stories of fantasy- of brave knights slaughtering tormenting dragons and of fair damsels left helpless at great heights. Their stone prisons always have a window, though, giving any tale which begins once upon a time an escape to end happily ever after. Doesn't it seem more fitting for a fabulous fantasy to begin never upon an existing time? What about a story where the dragon wins, and the damsel is left unsaved in her fine robes to decay and collect dust? It ends in morbid destruction. Calm, serene lakes become a bitter mixture of fire and blood, and the trees are strangled with clouds of smoke. There is no chance of an ever after unless it resides within a charred little melancholy hut whose hay roof now settles over the house as burning sinders. And isn't that a better read?

(I felt bad for lurking when Shig has been posting so much. A bit rantish, I know. Bear with me if you are at all able. Today was mediocre at best, but I did manage to get some money babysitting and such. Between music and ginger candy (Aimee, I think you got me started on a strange ginger fix somehow) I'm feeling quite content. And it's always nice to be able to thumb through a stack of bills (yeah... they're only tens... so...?). Both my brother and my uncle are moving this weekend, so I think I'll be tired of boxes and ready for some fire once the fourth rolls around. Everyone seems to be leaving, though, it's a shame. Must be a holiday thing.)


Our Monkey Part 2

The Writing Cast:
He found himself at a Denny's restaurant. Using the thermonuclear missile, he threatened the cashier and demanded $49.95 and that the waitress escort him to the local hardware store where he could get a pair of bolt cutters, a glass cutter, a scalpel, and a paring knife. The cashier then farted loudly, creating a rather awkward situation. The two just ignored it and headed off for the local hardware store, known by the name of “Crankey's.”

When they arrived, they called an attendant over. The attendant led them over to the bolt cutter, glass cutter, and scalpel section. Unfortunately, this was no normal hardware store attendant, it was
a writhing mutated mass of flesh known as a monster. It had twenty arms which it used to grab the cashier by the feet. It then held the cashier upside-down and took advantage of her by stealing her superior spine.

Meanwhile the monkey had managed to get the paring knife and the glass cutter, but was too late to
save his other materials from the monster. This lead to an immense battle with the monster. But seeing as how the monkey was only the size of Matt’s thumb, he had quite a problem. However, undaunted, the monkey used his shish-ka-bob stick as a pole vault and valiantly flew through the air towards the still hungry monster... Unfortunately the monkey's vaulting didn't do anything. He pole vaulted into a piece of the giant monsters shoulder. However, upon looking through the monster's shoulder, he found a self-kill tendon which he proceeded to pull.

To Be Continued...


Our Monkey Part 1

This is an example Continue The Story written by me and some geeky friends. The story is contained in 10 parts, followed by the Epilogue and some notes, and will be posted daily. I won't be here during all of it, but Chelsie will be posting for me. I'll respond to any of your comments at my soonest convenience. Enjoy.

The Writing Cast:

On a cold day in December, the sun came out. A small monkey, about the size of Matt's thumb, stuck its head out of its cave. At once, it said, "I am a monkey, about the size of Matt's thumb, sticking my head out of my cave," then it promptly fell down and lost it's tiny arm. Fortunately, it grew back within a matter of minutes. Ready to start on his search for food today, he grabbed his handy Turbo-Shig Jetpack (tm), and went as fast as a bullet to the nearest fast-food joint. Unfortunately, the health inspector had closed it down.

The monkey was sad but
he realized that he could then eat the health inspection. He then went to the state archives in order to find the legendary deep-fried health report and formed a plan to get into the hospital. To enact this plan he needed a pair of bolt cutters, a glass cutter, a scalpel, and a paring knife. He set off to town to find these, but the town had just been invaded by yellow, with green spots, monsters, who were eating the citizens.

Our monkey was really
frightened, but he wanted his fast food bad. He hid in a dustbin in order to try to find some sort of weapon. In this dustbin he found a thermonuclear missle head, just ready to use. There was also a shiny sharpened shish-ka-bob stick. He took them both, but there was still a problem: he still needed a pair of bolt cutters, a glass cutter, a scalpel, and a paring knife, so he had to find them before turning the town and the monsters to radioactive dust, so he had to hide and sneak between the trashcans in alleys.

To Be Continued...

Burning Money

Well, even though Chelsie told me she so kindly made me a wallet out of duct tape, I won't be needing it as much as I did. (I still want it though... and want the chance to get it...)
Just bought myself a new, quiet laptop. That was one of my top priorites, as the one I'm currently using roars like a vacuum cleaner. It really makes a better desktop than laptop. I'll probably end up selling it, maybe on ebay too. Recoup some expenses.



I see blue skies with white clouds, and black skies with gray. I wish my eyes were cameras so I could share it. Being sick today meant feeling peculiar. I laid in the afternoon, and now at night. The clouds of day, silky, rolled by in my squinting sight, and the ragged clouds of night reminded me of some diety raking the sky.
Walking through wet grass bare-foot, I went and laid down by a little stream, just so I could hear the water. I stared up the sky, slashed by powerlines waving in the wind. I walked on the railroad irons, balancing for quite a good time despite the rain.
Its lonely here, but that quiet was healing.


Packing Adventures

Still packing for college. My mom keeps telling me that I should take stuff which will last me all 4 years.

She is one of those kinds of people that collects everything and keeps it as long as its remotely useful. Tons and tons of singler serving stuffs I will have with me.

When I go back "home," it won't be on the mainland, so its not as easy to take things with me. Oh well, better than spending money for all this.


Hehe. Fruit are funny too.

Well, I don't know, just strikes me as very funny at the moment. Sounds like an advertisement... well it sort of is. Creative guy.