
Our Monkey Part 2

The Writing Cast:
He found himself at a Denny's restaurant. Using the thermonuclear missile, he threatened the cashier and demanded $49.95 and that the waitress escort him to the local hardware store where he could get a pair of bolt cutters, a glass cutter, a scalpel, and a paring knife. The cashier then farted loudly, creating a rather awkward situation. The two just ignored it and headed off for the local hardware store, known by the name of “Crankey's.”

When they arrived, they called an attendant over. The attendant led them over to the bolt cutter, glass cutter, and scalpel section. Unfortunately, this was no normal hardware store attendant, it was
a writhing mutated mass of flesh known as a monster. It had twenty arms which it used to grab the cashier by the feet. It then held the cashier upside-down and took advantage of her by stealing her superior spine.

Meanwhile the monkey had managed to get the paring knife and the glass cutter, but was too late to
save his other materials from the monster. This lead to an immense battle with the monster. But seeing as how the monkey was only the size of Matt’s thumb, he had quite a problem. However, undaunted, the monkey used his shish-ka-bob stick as a pole vault and valiantly flew through the air towards the still hungry monster... Unfortunately the monkey's vaulting didn't do anything. He pole vaulted into a piece of the giant monsters shoulder. However, upon looking through the monster's shoulder, he found a self-kill tendon which he proceeded to pull.

To Be Continued...

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