
More Hawaii

Well first, before I continue with the Hawaii adventure, I'm going to gripe a bit. I'm really tired, I've got a mandatory work meeting at 1, I've got an exam and a paper due on Monday, and I'm not motivated to go to/study/write/deal with/do anything. My current mood is AUGH. Realistically, I have nothing that I have the right to complain about... So, back to business.

My mad slicing skills kept this piece standing on its own volition.

Incredible, isn't it?

While in Hawaii, I was treated with excessive amounts of delicious looking and tasting foods...

Just an example of one of my many excellent meals.

Whilist browsing my new room with my old belongings, I found a sorry relic from my shart-lived middle school bowling league days. We almost had first place I believe. Maybe it was the name that made the prissy judges unhappy. We were a bunch of stupid kids afterall. I think we meant something more along the lines of 'Crips.' Ah, seventh and eigth grade idiocy at its best.


Somewhat Back by Popular Demand

So I haven't written here for a long time, and for a good reason. Time is hard to come by, so you've got to spend it on the most pressing things. Somehow writing on a blog that no one read didn't really appeal to me at the time.

I'll try and pick up where I left off.

One evening I browsed around the Waikiki area all by my lonesome. I didn't find much, besides the droves of tourists, hot asians, and the rediculously rich and over-privileged.

The name of this place is more telling than they probably think.

I know F&M does the whole tree wrapping thing, novel really, but something just kept striking me in the continually hot hot weather of Hawaii at Christmas and New Years, wrapping even palm trees in electrics.

Another novelty was a bit of grandeose architechture not commonly seen in most American cities:

Did I like it? Sure. I took a picture of it. Hard to get a shot like that at night with tremors and extended shutter time.
As far as what's going on here... enjoying the challenge of Orgo 2, loathing idiotic simplicity of Bio 110, keeping with the 日本語, and the Derangement & Blame class has been novel. More later-