
Continue the Story - Possibly?

Hmm, sorry took so long to get back to this, no time to totally lounge in front of the computer lately.
A barren tree's branches rattled as a ravenous bird vacated its bough. This winter had been particularly harsh; those animals foolish enough to not go into hibernation were rightfully suffering. Ice shards from the shaken branches fell to the snow below, leaving craters along side recent imprints of deeply treaded boots. Every few moments the dry wind would howl through the trees, warning those against the cold, and making the lone traveler yearn for the luxury of a roaring fire. Stopping suddenly __ peered into the snow blown distance. Heaving a sigh, (s)he trudged onward. The dim, wavering lights promised warmth as well as company.
I stole from your first intro. I thought I had some drive to write something, but I find myself tired.

This is a little more... conducive to having a plot, see? sorta... maybe I'm hallucinating, feels weird. Oh wait, today is sunday huh.... damn.

Well, what does that make you think?


in terms of what I was originally thinking, I wanted to compose something with you like a 'continue the story' type thing. it’s a lot easier, and can surprisingly produce very interesting material.

I've done it with other, and multiple other people and persons. I think I could dig up some examples.

With the threads of thoughts bound together, it forms the cylindrical core of a possible story elaboratable into a gander novel of sorts. I think. maybe.

There's potential.

so a continue the story would be more like... one sentencers.

You say a sentence, just one, then stop.

I take the next sentence, lead it or twist it to whatever I feel like at the moment. Then your turn

This goes on and on until someone decides to (try and) end it, and with the eventual others concession, generally does.

Pretty free, just the whole part about LOGISTICAL sense (arcana and the like are totally in bounds, as long as there is some description), not necessarily FEASIBLE (things can happen in stories that wouldn't happen in our own boring mundane lives, duhh).


Nearly 24 hours later, I get my first opportunity to sit at my computer semi-awake for more than 5 minute bursts.


Went to a concert last night at the Ogden theatre. A sort of junky little place, but functional. It was another great metal event. 10 Years opened, followed by Bloodsimple, American Head Charge, and finally the best part of the evening, Static-X.
10 Years wasn't too bad of a band. They reminded me a lot of A Perfect Circle. The lead singer had crazy long dreads, and sang in a clean voice. I have to say although they were pretty good, they just seemed a little out of scene. Rock, but relatively soft.
Bloodsimple on the otherhand came on hard and strong. To tell you the truth, I really wasn't listening to them all that much. They're much more loud, fast beat, ragged voiced style was more condusive to the mosh, almost every single one of their songs was quite mosh worthy.
I came in to the concert familiar with some American Head Charge. Although they sounded a lot better live, I still wasn't all that impressed. There were a few tinges of System of a Down influence. Moshing took place, but I just wasn't feeling it all that much. Probably because I had enough of the opening bands and just wanted to hear Static-X.
There was a really long intermission-type thing. Probably just psyching up the crowd. There would be brief audible riffs, the crowd would get really loud, and then silence. The room was pretty much total darkness, only the lights from the bar, the mixing board, and the ends of lit smokes. Groups of people shouted names of songs again and again and again. Bigger groups shouted "STATIC-X, STATIC-X, STATIC-X!"
Finally they came out, I can't even remember which song they opened with. A classic anyway. I was yelling along to most of the songs, though I haven't yet listened to many of the songs on their new album yet. I was there for the good old ones.
The ticket would've been worth it just to see Static-X. Reasonable stage technics too; some people were passing out and pushing their way back bleary eyed.
After they played their last announced song, the crowd yelled, me along them, and luckily they came out with a two-song encore.
A lovely evening all in all. The music, the friends, even the resulting partial deafness and the ringing that followed. I'm lucky I didn't get a black eye, just a little swelling next to it, and sore legs from standing/jumping for more than 4 hours. Hot in there too, was sweating like crazy. The smoke smell just clings to your clothes like none other (don't smoke myself.) It all adds up to a good time.


This Day...

I'd like to wish a happy birthday to my dearest friend Amy. She's currently out of the country, so I wasn't able to congratulate her personally. A big shame really.
If you're reading this, can I get you anything special? Not much judging on how wherre you are now, everything is more exciting anyway...


?ytivitaerc eht s'erehw

Peotry woke up, and made a decision. It was a rather heady experience, truth be told. She lay on her bed for a good while with her eyes open, watching the ceiling watching her, waiting to see which might blink first.

There was too much creativity in the world, she had decided. Too much, and not enough people using it properly. So much was going to waste, sitting around with dust on its edges, or being abused like a child in a dirty factory. This would not do, Poetry declared.

And so that day she gathered up all the creativity in a jar, careful not to squish it with her fingers when she plucked it fluttering from the air, or peeled it from sticky corners, or snatched it from grasping minds. She gathered it all up in her jar, and carefully tightened the lid, so it couldn't escape. She took the jar back to her house and gave it to the monster under the bed for safekeeping.

Then Poetry lay back down, proud, certain that today she had done a very good thing.

King beats Ace

As the summer wears on and I spend increasing amounts of time away from home in the smoke ridden house of my grandmother, I am beginning to realize the true meaning of boredom. I do like fort collins, and I always wake with a list of things she (my grandma) would like to have me do, various errands and chores, and there's always a good amount of time that can escape through a nice walk. Time is abundant, however, and I am lacking an instrument and a good book, not to mention a vehicle and a license with which to legally drive it. The point of spewing all this was that this fine day, I decided to shuffel a deck of cards, then memorize it. I was expecting the task to be incredibly difficult, and it was just that. It's amazing how the human mind works. I tried laying all the cards out in front of me, but could only get around ten cards cited off correctly. Then, remembering all the childish acronyms and acrostics of my past, I tried grouping. In packs of three, the cards were instantly much easier to recall. Without realizing it, I was constantly scanning all kinds of patterns. Red, red, black. 2+3+8= 13. After playing around with various methods, I could remember more than half a deck in the proper order given two minutes to study the cards; much improved from my first attempt. Perhaps I find too much amusement in this, but the mind is a strange instrument.

I heard someone say, "Creativity is abused, always being used improperly." I feel a story coming....
