I mentioned quite a while back that I took a trip up to a cabin in Bailey with a few of my closer friends. We did some four-wheeling, but while at the cabin, we took small hikes and shot at cans (and occasionally each other) with BB guns.

this is the only picture I have from our time spent around the actual cabin, which is sitting about 100 feet behind us and the motor-home
Caleb and I played with fire a lot, using the excuse that we were constructing something with which we could use to cook. I don't think many of the others believed us, but we had fun none the less. Once the parents were gone for a while, we threw a lighter, bug spray, and other flammables in there. Got some pretty big flames, 'twas fun.
We actually did use the fire for something useful (roasting marshmallows and hot dogs) once the evening rolled around. I nearly had my hair caught on fire more than once. It got cold pretty quickly, so Baily, Caleb and I kept at least our fingers warm by plucking some songs on the guitars we brought along. Shannon dragged the cots out right by the fire, and since there were benches built very close, it made things very difficult. We eventually all ended up kind of... piled... for a while, fighting for heat.
Thoroughly warm, we got up, brushed ourselves off, and made our beds. Most people slept in tents, the parents slept in the motor-home, and Shannon and I slept out under the stars. It was nice being away from city lights. Milky Way was visible, the sky brilliantly speckled, and it was wonderfully cold.
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