
let the bombardment continue

The next morning, the guys slept in, so we hopped in the car and ditched them to do some exploring. After about an hour of driving, we found a waterfall and climbed around on it a bit. It was set up perfectly for the like, with large, smooth rocks and lots of fallen trees. It was also about a mile long, and nicely sloped. We got hungry, and thus returned to the cabin, but drove back to the waterfall later so everyone could see it.

only now do i realize how similar these pictures look. reminds me of the abbey road poster

had to wait for people often, not many alternate routes

heh...shannon had trouble getting across at some parts

Half of us ended up drenched. As ungraceful as I tend to be, I'm surprised I wasn't among them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoa. the one with all of you...it looks like there is a double caleb. or are my eyes messing around with me again?