
How to Refresh Thumbnails on Google Chrome New Tab Page

In brief, for Windows 7: If you want to refresh the thumbnails shown on your Chrome browser New Tab page for your most visited sites, you can point your Run command or navigate your Explorer to the address:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

Then delete the file named "Top Sites." You will need to close Chrome when you are deleting it. When you re-open Chrome and open a New Tab, the thumbnails will be missing, but if you re-visit the pages, the thumbnails will repopulate.

The page at howtogeek.com describes how to do it for older versions of Chrome, but in the most recent version of Chrome (as of this posting on Windows Version 42.0.2311.90 m), the file you need to delete is "Top Sites" not "Thumbnails." This will probably also be the solution for other operating systems (Mac, Ubuntu, etc.).

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