
Crow Reservation Trip [Day 3: Wednesday]

The groups switched task assignments on this day. Now my group would be with others to run a children’s day program. All the parts were listen, and volunteers were called for. I was holding out to be a later thing, but instead got drafted to join the skits group. I’m really not the most drama oriented person, so needless to say, the skit turned out pretty… interesting.

Anyway, the kids were wild. They all wanted ‘piggy-bank’ rides, all the time. Then running, running, running. It was pretty tiresome, but I think everyone had a good time.

That night there were rumors going around that we were all going to go on a hike. I was all for it, but some people were groaning about it. It ends up that we all just got a lot of free time. We filled it by just doing quite random stuff, including going down to the IGA and browsing around.

left to right: Janna, Daniel, Emily

This whole trip, we had been on the look for fireworks, but really never got the opportunity to buy any, due to the company that we were keeping, and even with this free time, we couldn’t find a vendor.

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