
Books Books Books

I was sorting through some of my old digital pictures; I need to make some space on my computer. Its a pretty slow process.

This picture was actually taken in Japan when I was in a large book store on the 11th floor of a shopping building. There were a surprizing number of books in English as well.

I loved seeing the Engrish titles on some of the other books. Cute stuff, funny stuff, like "Let's Stay In Bed And Make Love All Day."

I meant to pick up that book and take a look inside, but I never had the chance, had to keep moving. (Hence, the picture is even taken in motion.)

I quite like books. Although its possible to store masses of text on a computer, there's something appealing in holding a book, and feeling the pages as you turn them one by one. Finishing a good book is also an irreplaceable feeling, turning the cover, holding the book, thinking about it...

Well, be expecting more photograph related posts.

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